Through the mutual efforts of our members, the Campbellsport Area Chamber of Commerce strives to: provide local information & promote our assets, promote pride & togetherness, enhance & create business opportunities.
Membership Benefits
When you join the CACC your name and/or web link, contact info, and a paragraph describing you will be put on our website.
Chamber members are encouraged to do business amongst themselves locally. Inquiries for business products or services are directed to Chamber members.
The CACC offers networking opportunities for you and your business. Chamber committees put you in touch with other business people who share your local concerns about issues affecting your business.
Community Togetherness
The CACC offers a home for pride and interaction among your community.
Our business meetings are hosted by our members at their place of business. This gives members and guests an opportunity to visit and see other member establishments. Meeting dates and times are determined by the business that is hosting. Please reach out to us via Facebook or email to find the next meeting location and time.
Board Members
Co-President: Beth Ginard
Co-President: Becky Beck
Treasurer/Secretary: Lois Zingsheim

Pictured from left to right: Jean Janz (past President), Beth Ginard, Jodi Wisnefski (past President) and Raina Jeffery
Member Forms
Continuing Education Reimbursement Form -
Expense Request form -